General Assembly
The WBBA General Assembly is the Association’s supreme authority and is composed of all the Members, chaired by the WBBA Director-General. It convenes at least once a year to approve Board members and decides on any modification of the Articles of Association, among other matters. The General Assembly operates on a one-Member, one-vote basis.

The WBBA Board, comprised of distinguished industry leaders, assembles biannually to review the association’s progress, set strategic ideas and goals, for broadband industry innovation and practices, and assess overall growth. Chaired by Li Zhengmao, these meetings contribute to shaping the WBBA’s structure and direction, ensuring its continued relevance and growth.
Oversight Committee:
The Oversight Committee, a monthly gathering with a rotating chairperson nominated from among the members, to provide oversight of the operation and direction of WBBA on a regular basis on behalf of the Board and to carry out activities as directed by the Board on their behalf. This includes meticulously monitoring the association’s growth and assessing feedback provided by various working groups. This proactive approach guarantees that the WBBA’s initiatives are in harmony with its mission of broadband industry innovation and that all operational aspects are functioning effectively.
At the heart of the WBBA’s administrative affairs is the WBBA’s Community Manager. The Community Manager plays a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless execution of administrative processes, facilitating communication among different tiers of the organization, and providing essential support to all aspects of the WBBA’s functioning.